String Algae & Green Water Solutions
All non chlorine treated or "natural" water features with deal with some form of "green water" or "string Algae" in it's lifetime, some more than others. Algae forms when their are to many nutrients in the water without any natural ways to dissolve them, or a filtration system is not adequate enough to handle the volume of water or nutrients in the system.
String algae happens to the best of us be if a big pond or small pond, a professionally installed pond or the backyard DIY pond. String algae in your koi pond and water garden is nothing new, nothing unusual, and nothing to be ashamed of; so let’s talk about it. Let’s talk algae, shall we?
String algae happens to the best of us be if a big pond or small pond, a professionally installed pond or the backyard DIY pond. String algae in your koi pond and water garden is nothing new, nothing unusual, and nothing to be ashamed of; so let’s talk about it. Let’s talk algae, shall we?